For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give
the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:6
In SHINE Children's Ministry, we expose children of all ages to God's truth, preparing them for a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. As we build this foundation, it is our hope that these children will grow in their knowledge and love of Christ and in turn, want to share his love with others.
In our nurseries, we minister to these children by providing a loving and nurturing atmosphere. As children progress into older nurseries, we incorporate the Truth78 curriculum, as well as crafts and songs, to begin building a foundation for a lifetime of learning God's word.

Gospel Project curriculum is used for preschool. During the two years that your child is in Preschool, he or she will learn all of the major stories of the Old and New Testaments. At the 9:15 hour, children also have a worship time where they will sing, memorize scripture, and learn about the missionaries that First Bible Church supports. At the 10:45 hour, children will review the lesson taught at the 9:15 hour, as well as play a game or make a craft to help them to remember the story. Of course, we also allow time for playing with friends as we strive to make Sunday morning lots of fun!

MIDWEEK SHINE - Decatur Campus location
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
6:00-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday Nights
Scripture Memory Games, worshiping and playing together, crafts, snacks, missionary stories,
learning the Books of the Bible and the Gospel message.
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
6:00-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday Nights
Scripture Memory Games, worshiping and playing together, crafts, snacks, missionary stories,
learning the Books of the Bible and the Gospel message.
Sunday-9:15 Hour
In our elementary classrooms, we use the Truth78 curriculum during the 9:15 hour. The Truth78 curriculum is a God-centered curriculum that helps children know, honor, and treasure God. Because it is developmental and sequential, each year, your child will gain a deeper understanding of how awesome our God is and be equipped to become mature disciples of Jesus.
Sunday-10:45 Hour

During the 10:45 hour, The Gospel Project curriculum will be used for kindergarten through 3rd grade. This curriculum is gospel-centered. Each Bible story that is presented will always lead to God's plan to rescue his people through his son, Jesus Christ. Since this curriculum is video-based, we incorporate this into our Kids Worship where we sing, memorize Bible verses, and learn about the missionaries that First Bible supports. In addition, the children will follow-up in their classrooms with a craft or game to review what they learned.
In addition, we have a tween ministry for 4th and 5th graders during the 10:45 hour since this is a unique age where they aren't quite ready for youth ministry but they are ready for something deeper than children's ministry. We use Lifeway's Forged curriculum to explore Biblical topics such as identity and discipleship. They will end their Sunday morning worshiping the Lord through songs, memorization of Bible verses, and learning about the missionaries that First Bible supports.
In addition, we have a tween ministry for 4th and 5th graders during the 10:45 hour since this is a unique age where they aren't quite ready for youth ministry but they are ready for something deeper than children's ministry. We use Lifeway's Forged curriculum to explore Biblical topics such as identity and discipleship. They will end their Sunday morning worshiping the Lord through songs, memorization of Bible verses, and learning about the missionaries that First Bible supports.
Head over to our resource page for helpful information to assist in raising children.
New to First Bible Church?
From infants to 5th graders, we want to give all children an excellent experience.
When you arrive, our team will happily show you the way to the children's area. You'll go to the first-time check-in station where can tell us a little about your family to help us serve you well. On our check-in form we'll ask things like what allergies your child have, how many children are in your family, and we'll get your contact information. Or you can fill out the new family check-in form below to save a few minutes when you check in for the first time. Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code that you will use when you pick up your child after the service.