God never intended for the Christian life to be lived alone.
It simply cannot be done. As men lead in their families, their business, and their church, they need the spiritual and emotional support that comes from being in right relationship with their brothers in Christ. For this reason, we place a heavy emphasis on men ministering to and with other men.
Tuesday Morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Decatur and Madison Campuses
Come to the Men’s Breakfast at 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday mornings to meet with other FBC men and petition to the Lord on behalf of our missionaries and friends in need. After a time of prayer, enjoy a hearty breakfast! The Prayer Breakfast is open to all men at FBC and their friends.

Small Group Bible Studies
As men begin to recognize their need for close friends who provide mutual support and accountability, a number of small groups have sprung up throughout the church. Some of them meet during the week at church and some meet in offices around town. If you are interested in becoming a part of a small group Bible Study, contact us and let us know.