The Mission
Our mission is to glorify God by helping people
know, love, obey & exalt Jesus Christ.
know, love, obey & exalt Jesus Christ.
The Strategy
First Bible Church is committed to a three stage approach to making disciples:
Gather, Grow, and GO!
Gather, Grow, and GO!

Every Sunday morning we gather in corporate worship for God-glorifying congregational singing, expository preaching, Scripture reading, prayer, and frequent celebration of the ordinances. For the follower of Jesus, public worship on the Lord’s Day is a priority.

True fellowship is sharing life together. Through groups like Adult Bible Fellowships, equipping classes, and small groups for men and women, we seek to foster biblical friendship. Being part of a community group ensures that you are prayed for, encouraged, and equipped in your Christian life.

When you gather and grow, you are being served more than you serve. But when you go, you take what you’ve been given and share it with others. Depending on the way the Lord has gifted and called you, you may serve in supporting roles or leadership roles, behind the scenes or up front, teaching the Bible or reaching out to newcomers. We'd love to help you find your place to serve in the church and the community!
About Us
Get to know more about what makes us different.

Our church has enjoyed a rich history that gives testimony to the faithfulness of God. We exist today only by his grace. Our mission is to glorify God by helping people know, love, obey, and exalt Jesus Christ. What a privilege it has been for me to serve with this remarkable group of people since 1992. The storms and valleys have been just as important to our formation as the calm days and mountaintops. We have laughed and cried, grieved and rejoiced, together. That is what families do.
I want to invite you to spend some time at this site. If it doesn’t answer all your questions, contact us. No matter who or where you are, if you want to know more about following Jesus Christ, we have time for you.— Enjoy
STEVE BATEMAN, Senior Pastor
I want to invite you to spend some time at this site. If it doesn’t answer all your questions, contact us. No matter who or where you are, if you want to know more about following Jesus Christ, we have time for you.— Enjoy
STEVE BATEMAN, Senior Pastor