GATHER 03/30/25
Sunday's Songs: Praise to the Lord (Joyful Joyful), All Sufficient Merit, Lord Have Mercy (For What We Have Done), Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Listen on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube
Sunday's Songs: Praise to the Lord (Joyful Joyful), All Sufficient Merit, Lord Have Mercy (For What We Have Done), Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Listen on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube
- Pastor Steve's weekly newsletter can be accessed here NEWSLETTER, Why You Should Know the Three Elements of Faith.
- Discover Class is a great opportunity to learn more about First Bible. The next class is April 6, 9:15 in Decatur; 10:45 in Madison. Register online, or at the HUB, walk-ins always welcomed! EVENT REGISTRATION
- Women’s Ministry News: Thank you to Lida Orr (Decatur Campus) and Jayme Gabriel (Madison Campus) for your leadership to the Women’s Ministry. We welcome new Women’s Ministry Directors at each campus, Mary Clifford at the Madison Campus, and Mary-Kate Culpepper at the Decatur Campus.
- Digital Wisdom Class 3/30, 4/6, 4/13 (Sundays) at 10:45, on both campuses, Decatur will also have a class at 9:15. We will have a three week Digital Wisdom class to help you disciple your children in a technology filled age. We will examine Biblical principles to guide our hearts as well as practical application in preparing your kids for the dangers and temptations they will face. You can sign up online, DIGITAL WISDOM, or stop by the Hub.
- High School Summer Camp registration is open. Camp dates: June 2-7. Info is on the Event Registration page. Sign up by 4/27.
- Quiet Waters Family Retreat, June 8-13, at Camp McDowell. This is a fun & refreshing week for families living with disability. First Bible will be taking a team to serve at the camp. If you are interested in more info about members of your family attending or serving, email HUB. Registration closes 4/8.
- Chosen Children T-shirt Fundraiser: Adult shirts (S-2XL; $25) and youth sizes (YS-YXL; $20) available. All proceeds will go toward the Adoption and Foster Care Fund at First Bible. The final day to order is April 1st, and all shirts will arrive in time for pickup before Easter in case you would like to participate in Forget the Frock (a movement to buy and wear a t-shirt to support a charity instead of buying clothes for Easter). Here's the link to order CHOSEN CHILDREN t-shirt.
- Membership Class: Sundays, April 13 & 27, 9:15. This is a two- part class for those who are interested in becoming a part of the First Bible Church family. Register at the HUB in the Lobby or online, Decatur Campus, MEMBERSHIP
- Lost & Found is in the kitchen tiled area by the back door. We will be donating items to a local charity after 3/31.
- Spring Work Days: Saturdays, April 5th & April 12th, from 8 AM-12 PM. Your helps makes all the difference -- we can't do it without you! On April 5th, we will tackle the heavier tasks, leaving the lighter tasks for April 12th. More info is online, Event Reg, or at the Hub. Refreshments will be provided.
- Membership Class: Sunday, Session 2, March 30, 10:45. This is a two- part class for those who are interested in becoming a part of the First Bible Church family. Register at the HUB in the Lobby or online, MEMBERSHIP CLASS.
- Ladies Ministry: Register for any of these studies ONLINE or at the HUB, and have your book purchased before the first meeting. Questions - email HUB
- Bible Study: “Even Better than Eden,” 9:30-11:00a.m., March 27 - May 29, Nancy Guthrie traces 9 themes throughout the Bible. The hope of God’s plan for his people transforms everything about our lives today.
- Book Study, “Gospel-Shaped Womanhood”, Tuesdays, April 15-May 20, 6:30-8:00p.m. Join us on Tuesday evenings as we read through this book and discuss what having a Jesus-centered identity really means. Please read the intro before the 1st meeting.
- Bible Study: “Colossians: Fulless of Life in Christ,” Wednesdays, 4/23-6/25, 9:30-11 a.m. Christ is the ruler of all things and sufficient for our every need. Thankfully, the book of Colossians offers a practical guideline, exalting Christ as the Lord of everything and showing believers how they share in his life, death, and resurrection in their lives. Limited childcare, indicate ages & names in your registration.
- “Loving the Lord in Wholeness: A Panel Discussion on Mark 12:30-31.” Saturday, April 12, 2025 10:00-11:30 am. What does it mean to love the Lord with everything that we are? Please join us for a panel discussion as we learn from, and are encouraged by testimonies on how this command is being lived out in the lives of four FBC women. Registration is requested. Light brunch refreshments will be provided. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mary Clifford.
- The spring Family picnic is coming up April 6 right after church! We’re providing the BBQ lunch, but we need you to register online or at the HUB. The cost is $5 per person, with a cap of $20 per family. Bring a chair or blanket if you’d like to sit outside. Contact hub@fbc.org for more information. Hope to see you there! Click here to register PICNIC
- Men’s Ministry Dinner, Friday, April 11, 6-8: If you enjoy good food, great company, and an inspiring message from the Bible, we’d love for you to join us. The dinner costs $15. We can’t wait to see you there! Register online, DINNER, or at the HUB.
Sunday Schedule
Please email hub@fbc.org if you would like to be added to the First Bible News & Events email, or the First Bible text list.
Sunday, 03/30/25
8:00a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship (Early Risers)
9:15a.m. Worship Service
9:15 a.m. Student Ministry Class
9:15 a.m. Digital Wisdom Class
9:15a.m. Adult Bible Fellowships
10:45a.m. Worship Service
10:45a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
10:45 a.m. Digital Wisdom Class
Children's Classes, Nursery-5th Grade, both hours
8:00a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship (Early Risers)
9:15a.m. Worship Service
9:15 a.m. Student Ministry Class
9:15 a.m. Digital Wisdom Class
9:15a.m. Adult Bible Fellowships
10:45a.m. Worship Service
10:45a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
10:45 a.m. Digital Wisdom Class
Children's Classes, Nursery-5th Grade, both hours
Sunday, 03/30/25
9:15a.m. Worship Service
9:15 Student Ministry Class
9:15a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
10:45a.m. Worship Service
10:45a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
10:45a.m. Membership Class Session 2
10:45a..m. Digital Wisdom Class
Children's Classes, Nursery-5th Grade, both hours
9:15a.m. Worship Service
9:15 Student Ministry Class
9:15a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
10:45a.m. Worship Service
10:45a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
10:45a.m. Membership Class Session 2
10:45a..m. Digital Wisdom Class
Children's Classes, Nursery-5th Grade, both hours