GATHER 09/15/24, Live the Creed! "The Prayer of Faith"
Sunday's Songs: All I Have is Christ, Christ Our Hope in Life and Death, Lord I Need You, The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours). Listen on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube
Communion Sunday - In the Lord’s Supper, baptized believers in Jesus Christ celebrate and remember his sacrifice. By this sacrifice, Jesus saves sinners, paying the penalty for the sins of all who trust in him, establishing peace with God. In this ordinance, we also celebrate the communion we have with one another as followers of Christ. Therefore, all baptized believers who are in fellowship with their local church (including our guests this morning) are welcome to receive the Lord’s Supper. Parents of children who have yet to receive believers’ baptism will find this to be a valuable opportunity to teach their children the gospel. In short, everyone can participate in the Lord’s Supper, either by receiving it as a baptized believer in Christ, or by observing others receive it and contemplating its meaning.
Livestream Service: FBC YouTube,, FBC APP
Sunday's Songs: All I Have is Christ, Christ Our Hope in Life and Death, Lord I Need You, The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours). Listen on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube
Communion Sunday - In the Lord’s Supper, baptized believers in Jesus Christ celebrate and remember his sacrifice. By this sacrifice, Jesus saves sinners, paying the penalty for the sins of all who trust in him, establishing peace with God. In this ordinance, we also celebrate the communion we have with one another as followers of Christ. Therefore, all baptized believers who are in fellowship with their local church (including our guests this morning) are welcome to receive the Lord’s Supper. Parents of children who have yet to receive believers’ baptism will find this to be a valuable opportunity to teach their children the gospel. In short, everyone can participate in the Lord’s Supper, either by receiving it as a baptized believer in Christ, or by observing others receive it and contemplating its meaning.
Livestream Service: FBC YouTube,, FBC APP
- September Family Devotions are available online & at the HUB - SEPTEMBER
- Discover Class is a great opportunity to learn more about First Bible and how to get connected. The next class is October 6! Register online, or at the HUB, walk-ins always welcomed! DECATUR DISCOVER MADISON DISCOVER
- Men's Prayer Breakfast, a time of prayer, fellowship, and a delicious meal, as our community of men gathers together to exalt God and lift up the needs in our congregation and around the world. Tuesday mornings, 6:30-7:30a.m.
- Local Outreach Sunday, September 22, a chance to interact with gospel-centered organizations in our community. One of the goals of this day is to discover how you can get involved at these organizations. In an effort to make that easy, we will have our Fall GO Day on the following Saturday, September 28th. Mark your calendars and join us as we serve with our local organizations! Click here EVENT REGISTRATION for details or go to the HUB.
- As we look ahead to 2025, we are asking our church members to submit the names of men for consideration for the offices of deacon and elder. If you believe you know someone who meets the Biblical requirements for either office who would serve the church well, please submit their names to
- Women's Ministry Bible Studies - Information and registration for studies are on the webpage WOMENS MINISTRY.
- Moms of Littles: Wed., 11:15-12:15 for lunch & discipleship. Childcare available for nursery & preschool ages (lunch is not included for children).
- Children’s Ministry (Elementary & Preschool age) Join us on Wednesdays for MIDWEEK SHINE (6-7:30p.m.) $5.00 supper available for purchase. Lessons from God’s Word, scripture memory songs, activities, crafts, and fun times with friends!
- Next Generation Discipleship: Chasing What Matters, 9/11-10/16, 6-7:30 p.m. Class will focus on investing in the next generation of leaders, parents and young adults. Once the class is complete, participants will have the opportunity to join a men's or women's group led by an elder, pastor, or female mentor of the church. For more details and to register, click NEXT GEN
- Student Ministry (Wed. nights), 6:00p.m. $5.00 for dinner. Contact Jeremy
- Local Outreach Fellowship Dinner: Bring the whole family and join us on Sunday, September 22nd at 5:00 PM in the Field House. In conjunction with Local Outreach Sunday, we will hear about opportunities to serve in our community alongside our ministry partners. Dinner will be provided, but we ask that you register online or at the Hub if you plan to attend. Suggested donation of $5 per person, not to exceed $20 per family. OUTREACH FELLOWSHIP DINNER
- GO! Opportunities/Projects: Please stop at the table in the Coffee Commons to find out about our September GO! Projects: Backpack food supplies for Nungester Elementary’s BackPack Program and First Priority’s “Threads for Thirty,” monetary donations ($30) that supply clothing needs. In addition to the GO! Projects, check out the GO! Day on September 28 with specific work at Neighborhood Christian Center, & Sav-A-Life and on October 5, a Mini-VBS at Circle Ranch. Information is also on the Event Registration Page,, please register for the GO Days. Event Registration.
- First Priority Cornhole Tournament: Support our local ministry, First Priority, by playing in their annual cornhole tournament! The tournament will take place on Saturday, October 5th, at the Decatur Field House. Two person teams can register in the social division or the championship division online. CORNHOLE
- PICNIC CHANGE: Due to weather concerns, the picnic scheduled for Sunday, 9/15, has been postponed to October 13th. We will not register again, so there's no need to cancel or sign up for the new date.
- Women's Bible studies Please visit the Women's Ministry Page for all the details, or stop by the HUB.
- Women's “In Home Brunch Sessions” Sept. 14, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.Three different video/brunch sessions at three different locations. Registration is limited and required, please sign up to bring a brunch item. Click BRUNCH for the MC Women's Ministry page for all the details or stop by the HUB.
- Women’s Ministry: Once-A-Month Cooking, Thursday, September 26, 6-8 p.m. Diane Hubbard will walk us through pratical ways to plan, cook, and package meals for you, your family and friends! Register here, COOKING or at the HUB. Contacts: Jayme Gabriel or Trish Switzer.
- Student Ministry (Wed. nights) 6:30, $5.00 for dinner. Contact: JOHN
- Public Theology Class Sunday nights: 10/6-11/10, 6-7:30p.m. with Pastor Steve. This class will help you navigate current cultural and societal challenges we face as a church. Scripture commands us: “do not be anxious about anything.” Anything. Settling our hearts begins with informing our minds. Think Biblically. Think theologically. Think clearly. Register online or at the HUB, PUBLIC THEOLOGY Childcare is not available.
- Spiritual Disciplines Class: Sunday mornings, 10/6-11/10, 9:15 - 10:20, in Modular Room #2. Join us for 8 weeks to study key Spiritual Disciplines. Some of the topics are Bible reading, fasting, prayer, & evangelism. This class will be led by Pastors Xander &Jared and will meet in Modular Room #2. Register online SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES
- Madison Family Picnic, Sunday, Sept. 15, noon-2:30. Please sign up to bring a side dish or dessert. Large families, please bring two items. Register FAMILY PICNIC
- GO! Opportunities/Projects: Please stop at the HUB to find out about GO! Projects during September and ways to serve at HPRC , Always Endure, and CRU at UAH. In addition to the GO! Projects, check out the GO! Day on September 28 with specific work at Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Ctr., Always Endure, CEF and the Downtown Rescue Mission. To see more details click here. GO DAY REGISTRATION
Sunday Schedule
Please email if you would like to be added to the First Bible News & Events email, or the First Bible text list.
Sunday, 09/15/24
8:00a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship (Early Risers)
9:15a.m. Worship Service
9:15 Student Ministry Class
9:15a.m. Adult Bible Fellowships
10:45a.m. Worship Service
10:45a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
Children's Classes, Nursery-5th Grade, both hours
8:00a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship (Early Risers)
9:15a.m. Worship Service
9:15 Student Ministry Class
9:15a.m. Adult Bible Fellowships
10:45a.m. Worship Service
10:45a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
Children's Classes, Nursery-5th Grade, both hours
Sunday, 09/15/24
8:00a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
9:15a.m. Worship Service
9:15 Student Ministry Class
9:15a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
10:45a.m. Worship Service
10:45a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
Children's Classes, Nursery-5th Grade, both hours
8:00a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
9:15a.m. Worship Service
9:15 Student Ministry Class
9:15a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
10:45a.m. Worship Service
10:45a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship
Children's Classes, Nursery-5th Grade, both hours