Our aim is singular: make disciples — both locally and globally.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Global missions has always been in the DNA of First Bible Church. Wayne and Kitty Gute were missionaries to Guatemala and encouraged the founding of First Bible back in 1965. They were also among the first missionaries supported by our church. First Bible church presently supports 47 missionaries in 27 countries.
Ongoing Go! MISSIONS CRISIS RELIEF FUND: To serve Ukrainian refugees through our partners in that area, direct your giving to “First Bible Church” and designate for “Missions Crisis Relief .”
Click Here for our Global Mission Partners

Annual Missions Conference
One of the highlights of our church’s year is our annual Mission Conference. During the conference, many of our missionaries return to Decatur/Madison for a long weekend of reacquainting us with each of their individual missions. It is a warm and wonderful time for the FBC church family and friends. There are even special activities for the little ones at The Great Kid’s Mission Conference.

Mission Trips
Our church also organizes short-term trips each year to provide vital, first-hand missionary experiences for our members. FBC plans and sends teams to travel to a wide variety of cultures and climates to help our missionaries with projects such as remodeling, construction and ministry evangelism. Here is a partial list of some of the places we have traveled to offer support; Moldova, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Ukraine, Uganda, Peru, Guatemala, Haiti and various cities in the USA.
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trips
First Bible offers several mission trips each year to provide opportunities to serve locally and internationally. Click below to request information on the various trips.

Africa Renewal Ministries' Child Sponsorship Program
First Bible has partnered with ARM’s CDP in the Village of Katovu since 2015. We have a strong personal relationship with the leaders of Africa Renewal as well as Katovu’s local church Elohim, which provides the quality education through their nursery and primary school. FBC members, friends and relatives currently sponsor over 200 children in this area, however, many more children are praying daily for a sponsor. For $40 - $50 a month, you can sponsor a child, giving them access to healthcare, education, and hope. The gift of sponsorship brings the opportunity for these children to hear about Jesus, find true Hope in Him, and learn to follow Him, so that society will be impacted for Christ. To sponsor a child and transform a life please contact: hub@fbc.org